Welcome to ASL Storytelling with ASDC
This ASL Stories Directory makes it easy for you to find hundreds of free videos of ASL retellings of your child’s or student’s favorite books. Research shows that reading and signing stories together helps promote essential literacy skills for ALL children: deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing. Use the ASL Stories Directory to quickly find stories by age or by the book’s title. Make the most of signing and reading with your child! Get useful tips here.
Check this page often! We add signed stories & learning resources to the directory each week. If you have a favorite video that’s not listed here, or if you want to add your own video of you and your child signing one of your favorite books, please share it with Cheri at cheri@deafchildren.org. Thank you.
Why Reading to your Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Child(ren) is Important
Dr. Leala Holcomb, an expert in Deaf education and literacy, says that all children — hearing and deaf — need the experience of being read to by a caring adult.
In this video, Dr. Holcomb offers lots of tips for making the experience fun and full of learning, including these: use your most expressive reading voice, bring your child’s attention to key English words, explain the differences between similar English words, talk about English words that have more than one meaning, point out changes in font size and punctuation and talk about what it means, and switch back and forth between English and ASL.
And don’t worry if you are still learning to sign — your enthusiasm will be contagious!
Presented by Dr. Leala Holcomb
Interpreted by Dr. Hannah Dostal
>> More from Dr. Holcomb: Reading SOS: How do I encourage my deaf child to do more independent reading? <<
See below for a full directory of ASL Storytelling Videos or visit ASDC’s YouTube channel!
Want to learn ASL or improve your ASL skills?
Take a look at our Online Classes and Workshops!
Language development
Language Acquisition Activity of the Week
Dive into engaging, hands-on activities curated by Ashley, our social media manager, to spark joy in learning ASL!
Boost Language Skills: Interactive tasks designed to enhance ASL proficiency and support language development.
Fun for All Ages: Creative, bite-sized activities perfect for children, students, and families.
Stay Connected Weekly: Catch new ideas on social media, or revisit anytime on YouTube.
Make ASL learning an exciting part of your week! Explore the full Language Acquisition Activities playlist here >>
Read with ASL: Bringing Language to Life
Explore 100+ engaging videos featuring real-life ASL storytelling to boost reading comprehension and dual-language skills.
Master ASL & English: Learn tricky words and concepts through real-world scenes.
Connect with Authentic ASL: Relatable Deaf presenters make learning fun and accessible.
For Families & Students: Strengthen ASL together while enhancing reading skills.
Help your child thrive in dual-language acquisition! Visit Read with ASL’s YouTube channel >>
ASL StorySigning Coloring Pages
Discover the Joy of Storysigning with Coloring Pages!
Explore fun, themed coloring pages inspired by our diverse story collection. Available in English and Spanish, each page features a person signing to help guide you. Perfect for signing and reading with your child!
ASDC Social Stories & Articles
Social Stories and Social Articles in ASL are compiled and adapted by ASDC to support parents, educators, professionals, and advocates as they teach and share information about social communication or interactions, rules, expectations, or routines. with children who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing.
Social Stories and Social Articles are a safe and supportive way to provide children with information about social changes and expectations.
Social Stories in ASL are also available on ASDC’s YouTube and Kids YouTube Channels and under our Mental Health Resources tab. Companion Social Articles can be downloaded and printed.
ASL Stories Directory by TITLE
Note: When a story is listed twice (or even three times) in the ASL Story Directory, it means that we are linking out to videos of different people telling the same story. Watch each one and compare them! There are so many fun ways to tell the same story in ASL.
- A Bad Case of Stripes
- A Birthday Basket for Tia
- A Camping Spree With Mr. Magee
- A Creature Was Stirring
- A Dog Needs a Bone
- A Halloween Counting Party
- A is for Activist
- A Letter to Amy
- A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Ada and the Helpers
- Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
- All About Farm Animals
- All Better!
- Alphabet Rescue
- Always Hug a Unicorn
- Always in Trouble
- And Tango Makes Three
- A Pocket for Corduroy
- Are You My Mother?
- ASL Moves! (Meanings of the word MOVE in ASL)
- ASL Rides! (Meanings of the word RIDE in ASL)
- ASL Runs! (Meanings of the word RUN in ASL)
- Bear and Turtle and the Great Lake Race
- Bear Says Thanks
- Bear Says Thank You
- Bear Snores On!
- Beast
- Because I Had a Teacher
- Big Mama and Grandma Ghana
- Birthday Presents
- Black is A Rainbow Color
- Blast Off
- Blueberries For Sal
ASL video - Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci
- Bonnie and the Deaf Bake Squad
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
- Bubbles, Bubbles
- Butt Out
ASL video
Vocab video
Vocab slides
- Caps For Sale
ASL Video
Vocab video - Cat in the Hat
- Changes, Changes
- Charlotte’s Web Intro, Characters, Chapter Readings & Discussion (48 videos)
- Chugga Chugga Choo Choo
- Circus Ship
- Click Clack, Splish, Splash
- Clifford the Firehouse Dog
- Club S.O.D.A. – Activity book for siblings
- Colors of a Rainbow (ASL and no text)
- Colors of a Rainbow w/ Adult Signer
- Colors of a Rainbow w/ Child Signer
- Counting Coconuts
- Cowboy Up
- Dad and Me in the Morning
- David Goes To School
- Deaf Artist Finds Her True Colors
- December ASL Signs
- Dinosaur Roar!
ASL video
Vocab video - Dolores Huerta
- Down the Flower Patch – ASL & LSQ versions
- D.W. Flips!
- Deaf Culture Fairy Tales
- Dear Zoo
- Dinosaur Roar!
- Don’t Touch My Hair
- Dragons Love Tacos
- Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin
- Get Up, Stand Up
- Giraffes Can’t Dance
- Give (Meanings of GIVE in ASL)
- Giving Tree
- Giving Tree
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- Good to Be ME
- Goodnight, Gorilla
- Goodnight, Gorilla
- Goodnight Moon
ASL Video
Vocab video - Goose
Goose ASL Vocabulary - Gossie
- Green Eggs and Ham
- Groovy Joe: Ice Cream & Dinosaurs
- Growing Vegetable Soup
- Guide to Writing: Compare and Contrast Essay Outline (student and teacher resource)
- Guri and Gura
- Hair Love
- Halloween ASL Resources
- Halloween Mice
- Hands Can
- Happy
- Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Happy Easter, Biscuit!
- Happy Thanksgiving Biscuit
- Heckedy Peg
- Hide and Snake
- Hiya Moriah
ASL video
Vocab video - Hooray for Hat!
- How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends?
- How I Became a Pirate
- How the Elephant Got Its Trunk
- How the Fly Saved the River
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas
- How to Catch a Snowman
- How To Catch the Easter Bunny
- How to make Homemade Paints
- Hug
- Humpty Dumpty
- I Am a Frog
- I Am Enough
- I Broke My Trunk
- Ice Cream King
- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
- If You Give a Pig a Party
- If You Give a Pig a Pancake
ASL video - If You Take A Mouse to School
- I’m Gonna Like Me
- “I Have a Dream” – Martin Luther King, Jr
- I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie
- I Love My New Toy
- I Need My Monster (Book One)
- International Day of Sign Languages 9.23
- I Spy Under the Sea
- Is Your Mama a Llama?
Is Your Mama a Llama?
Is Your Mama a Llama? (Español)
Is Your Mama a Llama? ASL Vocabulary
Is Your Mama a Llama? ASL Vocabulary (Español) - It’s Not Easy Being A T-Rex
- It’s Okay to Be Different
- It’s Pumpkin Day, Mouse!
- I See Summer!
- I See Winter!
- I Went Walking
- March ASL Signs
- Marlo The Brave
- Martin’s Big Words
- Math Curse
- Max’s ABC
- Meanings of the word: CLOSE (Language Development)
- Meanings of the word: SIGN (Language Development)
- Meanings of the word: SINK (Language Development)
- Meanings of the word: WALK (Language Development)
- Meanings of the word: WORK (Language Development)
- Merry Christmas, Splat
- Millions of Cats
- Move!
- My First Halloween
- My First I See You
- My Brontosaur Has Vanished
- My Heart is Like a Zoo
- Paislee and the Talking Tree – ASL
- Paislee et l’arbre parlant – LSQ
- Peppa Goes Apple Picking
- Peppa in Space
- Peppa Pig and the Day at Snowy Mountain
- Peter’s Chair
- Pete’s a Pizza
- Pete the Cat: Big Easter Adventure
- Pete the Cat: Great Leprechaun Chase
- Pet Show
- Pinkalicious
- Pinkalicious
- Planting a Rainbow
- Pointy Three
- Polar Bear Island
- Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes – Reading & Discussion (19 videos)
- Salt in His Shoes
- Sesame Street – Songs in ASL (YouTube Channel)
- Shoes for Angela
- SIGN: Meanings of the word sign in ASL
- Signs of Fall
- Sir Circumference and the Dragon of Pi
- Sky, The Deaf Home Run Hero
- Snowmen at Night
- Something Happened in Our Town: A Child’s Story about Racial Injustice
- Sparky the Fire Dog
- Splish, Splash Seahorse
- Spots, Feathers, and Curly Tails
- Spring is Here!
- Spring Weather!
- Starring Lucille
- Stellaluna
- Stick’s Masterpiece
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
- Strega Nona
- Summer
- Super Red Riding Hood
- Super Red Riding Hood – Discussion & Vocabulary Playlist
- Super Silly Sayings That Are Over Your Head (All about Idioms)
- Taking a Bath with the Dog and Other Things That Make Me Happy
- Tale of Peter Rabbit
- Ten Fat Turkeys
- Ten Fat Turkeys
- Ten Lucky Leprechauns
- Ten On the Sled
- Ten Timid Ghosts
- Thanks for Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks
- That’s Not My Snowman
- The Art Lesson
- The Artivist
- The Bad Easter Bunny
- The Bear Ate Your Sandwich
- The Boy Who Cried Wolf
- The Book With No Pictures
- The Busy Little Squirrel
- The Cake That Mack Ate
- The Changing Seasons
- The Cool Bean
- The Day You Begin
- The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?
- The Easter Bunny’s Assistant
- The Family Book
- The Foot Book
- The Legend of Spookly the Square Pumpkin
- The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything
- The Mitten
- The Monster at the End of This Book
- The Moonflower
- The New Small Person
- The Night Before Christmas
- The Night Before Christmas (with English and Spanish subtitles)
- The Polar Express
- The Race for the Chinese Zodiac
- The Sea
- El mar The Sea — en ASL con texto en español y subtítulos en inglésThe Slant Book
- The Secret Diary of a Wolf
- The Secret Diary of a Wolf Vocabulary Playlist
- The Snowy Day
The Snowy Day
The Snowy Day (Español)
The Snowy Day ASL Vocabulary
The Snowy Day ASL Vocabulary (Español) - The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck
- The Thank You Book
- The Three Little Pigs
- The Three Little Pigs
- The Three Little Pigs and The Big Bad Wolf (Math Edition)
- The Three Little Pigs and The New Neighbor
- The Tree Said Hello – ASL Song
- The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- The William Hoy Story (2 videos)
- The Wizard of Oz in ASL
- Thelma the Unicorn
- There’s a Bear on My Chair!
- There’s a Bird On Your Head
- There Was an Old Astronaut Who Swallowed the Moon
- There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell
- Things That Go!
- This Book is Gray
- This Is NOT a Pumpkin
- Three Little Kittens
- Three Stories You Can Read to Your Dog
- Today I Feel Silly
ASL video - Trick or Treat, Little Pumpkin
- Tuck Me In
- Tuesday
- Tuesday
- Turkey Trouble
- Wacky Wednesday
- Weather & Seasons
- Waiting Is Not Easy
- What Is the Weather Today?
- What Does It Mean To Be Kind?
- What Will I Do Today?
- When I’m Frustrated (An ASDC Social Story)
- When Sophie Gets Angry – Really, Really Angry…
- Where the Wild Things Are
- Where the Wild Things Are
- Where the Wild Things Are
- Whistle for Willie
- Winter Solstice & the Yule Log
- Wonderstruck – Reading & Discussion (61 videos)
- Wow! Said the Owl – A Book About Colors
- You, Too! (Enhanced Arts Project Integrated Web Series)
- You Are My I Love You
- You Are (Not) Small
- Zero the Hero
ASL Stories Directory by AGE
Ages 1 and up
- A Pocket for Corduroy
- Blue Hat, Green Hat
- Bubbles, Bubbles
- Corduroy
- Dear Zoo
- Dear Zoo
- Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin
- Feast for 10
- From Head to Toe
- From Head to Toe
- I Went Walking
- Little Bear’s Little Boat
- Little Blue Truck’s Halloween
- Llama, Llama, Red Pajama
- Lola at the Library
- Nita’s First Signs
- Not a Box
- Not a Box
- Ten On the Sled
- The Snowy Day
The Snowy Day
The Snowy Day (Español)
The Snowy Day ASL Vocabulary
The Snowy Day ASL Vocabulary (Español) - This is NOT a Pumpkin
- Trick or Treat, Little Pumpkin
- Where’s Boo?
- Whistle for Willie
Ages 2 and up
- A Halloween Counting Party
- Always Hug a Unicorn
- And Tango Makes Three
- Blast Off
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
ASL Video
Vocab video
Vocab Silde
Experienc Box - Click Clack, Splish, Splash
- Colors of a Rainbow w/ Child Signer
- Colors of a Rainbow w/ Adult Signer
- Colors of a Rainbow (ASL and no text)
- Dinosaur Roar!
ASL video
Vocab video
Vocab slides
Experiences box - Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
- Goodnight, Gorilla
- Goodnight, Gorilla
- Goodnight Moon
ASL Video
Vocab video - Hands Can
- Hug
- I Spy Under the Sea
- It’s Pumpkin Day, Mouse!
- Lola at the Library
- Love the World
- Millions of Cats
- My First I See You
- Olivia
- Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me
- That’s Not My Snowman
- The Foot Book
- The Legend of Spookly the Square Pumpkin
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
ASL video
Vocab video
Vocab slides
Experience box - Things That Go!
- Tuck Me In
Ages 3 and up
- A Birthday Basket for Tia
- A Camping Spree With Mr. Magee
- A Dog Needs a Bone
- A Letter to Amy
- Alphabet Rescue
- Are You My Mother?
- Banana
- Bear Says Thanks
- Birthday Presents
- Blueberries For Sal
ASL Video
Vocab video
Vocab Silde
Experienc Box - Butt Out
ASL Video
Vocab video
Vocab Silde
Experienc Box - Cat in the Hat
- Changes, Changes
- Chugga Chugga Choo Choo
- Clifford the Firehouse Dog
- Dad and Me in the Morning
- Duck in a Truck
- Elf on the Shelf
- Get Up, Stand Up
- Giraffes Can’t Dance
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- Green Eggs and Ham
- Groovy Joe: Ice Cream & Dinosaurs
- Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Hooray for Hat!
- How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends?
- How To Catch the Easter Bunny
- Humpty Dumpty
- Ice Cream King
- I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie
- Imogene’s Antlers
- It’s Not Easy Being A Bunny
- It’s Okay to Be Different
- Kevin’s Birthday Party
- Kindness is My Superpower
- Knuffle Bunny
- Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad
- Last Stop on Market Street
- Little Dump Truck
- Love You Forever
- Math Curse
- Max’s ABC
- My First Halloween
- Night Before Christmas
- Night Before Christmas
- No Probllama!
- Oh, the Things You Can Think!
- One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
- Orange Fish, Green Fish
- Orange Fish, Green Fish
- Otis
- Owly & Wormy, Friends all Aflutter!
- Peppa Goes Apple Picking
- Peppa Pig and the Day at Snowy Mountain
- Peppa in Space
- Peter Rabbit
- Peter’s Chair
- Pete’s a Pizza
- Pet Show
- Pinkalicious
- Pinkalicious
- Pointy Three
- Polar Bear Island
- Rabbits and Raindrops
- Reading Beauty
- Rocky: The Cat Who Barks
- Spring is Here!
- Starring Lucille
- Stick’s Masterpiece
- Ten Fat Turkeys
- Ten Fat Turkeys
- Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks
- The Bear Ate Your Sandwich
- The Boy Who Cried Wolf
- The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?
- The Family Book
- The Mitten
- The Monster at the End of This Book
- The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck
- The Tale of Peter Rabbit
- Three Little Pigs
Three Little Pigs
Three Little Pigs - Very Busy Spider
- Wacky Wednesday
- Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea
- What Is the Weather Today?
- What Will I Do Today?
- What Is the Weather Today?
- You Are My I Love You
Ages 4 and up
- A Creature Was Stirring
- Always in Trouble
- Bear and Turtle and the Great Lake Race
- Because I Had a Teacher
- Big Mama and Grandma Ghana
- Black is A Rainbow Color
- Caps For Sale
ASL Video
Vocab video
Vocab slides
Experience box - Circus Ship
- Counting Coconuts
- Deaf Culture Fairy Tales
- David Goes To School
- Dinosaur Roar!
- D.W. Flips!
- Ella Sara Gets Dressed
- Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
- Five Little Monkeys Bake a Birthday Cake
- Fluffy Grows a Garden
- From Head to Toe
- Gossie
- Hair Love
- Happy
- Happy Easter, Biscuit!
- Happy Thanksgiving Biscuit
- Heckedy Peg
- Hidden Figures: The Untold True Story of Four African-American Women
- How the Elephant Got Its Trunk
- I Am Enough
- I Am Perfectly Designed
- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
- If You Give a Pig a Pancake
ASL video
Vocab slides
Experience box - If You Give a Pig a Party
- I Love My New Toy
- I’m Gonna Like Me
- I Need My Monster
- Inky’s Amazing Escape
- Is Your Mama a Llama?
Is Your Mama a Llama?
Is Your Mama a Llama? (Español)
Is Your Mama a Llama? ASL Vocabulary
Is Your Mama a Llama? ASL Vocabulary (Español) - It’s Not Easy Being a T-Rex
- Move!
- Pete the Cat: Big Easter Adventure
- Pete the Cat: Great Leprechaun Chase
- Planting a Rainbow
- Rainbow Fish
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
- Run, Turkey, Run
- Salt in His Shoes
- Snowmen at Night
- Something Happened in Our Town: A Child’s Story about Racial Injustice
- Spots, Feathers, and Curly Tails
- Stellaluna
- Taking a Bath with the Dog and Other Things That Make Me Happy
- Thanks for Thanksgiving
- The Bad Easter Bunny
- The Cake That Mack Ate
- The Easter Bunny’s Assistant
- The Greedy Python
- The New Small Person
- The Night Before Christmas
- The Night Before Christmas (with English and Spanish subtitles)
- The Polar Express
- The Three Little Pigs and The Big Bad Wolf (Math Edition)
- There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell
- There’s a Bird On Your Head
- The William Hoy Story (2 videos)
- This Book is Gray
- Three Stories You Can Read to Your Dog
- Today I Feel Silly
ASL video
Vocab video
Vocab slides
Experience box - Tuesday
- Tuesday
- Turkey Trouble
- We’re All Wonders
- When Sophie Gets Angry – Really, Really Angry…
- Where the Wild Things Are
- Where the Wild Things Are
- Where the Wild Things Are
- Where The Wild Things Are
ASL video
Vocab video
Vocab slides
Experience box - Whose Vehicle Is This?
Ages 5, 6, and up
- A Bad Case of Stripes
- A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
- All About Farm Animals
- Amelia’s Fantastic Flight
- Beast
- Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci
- Cowboy Up
- Giving Tree
- Giving Tree
- Guri and Gura
- Halloween Mice
- Hiya Moriah
ASL video
Vocab video - How I Became a Pirate
- How the Fly Saved the River
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas
- Knights
- Kwanzaa
- Little Red Hen
Little Red Hen
Little Red Hen ASL Vocabulary - Napping House (3 videos)
- Martin’s Big Words
- Rosa Parks: Bus Ride To Freedom
- Shoes for Angela
- Summer
- The Book With No Pictures
- The Changing Seasons
- The Day You Begin
- The Moonflower
- The Race for the Chinese Zodiac
- The Thank You Book
- The Three Little Pigs and The New Neighbor
- The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
- Three Little Kittens
- Zero the Hero
Ages 7, 8, and up
- A is for Activist
- Charlotte’s Web Intro, Characters, Chapter Readings & Discussion (48 videos)
- Dolores Huerta
- Extreme Surfing
- Goose
Goose ASL Vocabulary - Kookum’s Red Shoes
- Kondima (Based on Jungle Thorn)
- Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes – Reading & Discussion (19 videos)
- Sir Circumference and the Dragon of Pi
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
- The Slant Book
- Wonderstruck – Reading & Discussion (61 videos)
ASL Stories Directory by HOLIDAY | MONTH
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Video StorySigned by JC Smith
Produced by Gallaudet University
Arguably King’s most iconic speech, “I Have a Dream,” is a must for understanding the Reverend’s legacy and impact.
As we prepare to honor Dr. King next week, we take this moment to recognize his impact. The 1963 March on Washington and Dr. King’s speech led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, forever changing the course of United States history.
This 14-minute video is a full ASL Translation of Dr. King’s speech done by Gallaudet University student JC Smith.
For younger learners, abbreviated versions of this speech and other stories are available in our MLK ASL Resources.
Black History Month
Every year in February during Black History Month, we celebrate the work and legacy of prominent Black leaders who’ve paved a way for racial equity and inclusion in the United States. It’s also a time when people celebrate Black culture and history including music, art, literature, etc.
Within the larger Black American community, there are a plethora of diverse groups and experiences. One of these groups is the Black deaf community, who have their own unique culture and language.
We highlight and celebrate the history of Black Deaf culture in America, Black American Sign Language (BASL), and the importance of its legacy beyond Black History Month.
For ASL Resources for Black History Month – visit us here >>
For more information about how to find online communities for people who are Deaf and Black, visit this page
Valentine's Day
Books with the themes of love, gratitude, acceptance, and self-esteem.
- And Tango Makes Three
- Because I Had a Teacher
- Charlotte’s Web
- Elmo and Abby’s Valentine’s Day Song! (Sesame Street)
- Giving Tree
- Giving Tree
- How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends?
- Hug
- I Am Enough
- I’m Gonna Like Me
- It’s Not Easy Being A T-Rex
- It’s Okay to Be Different
- Love The World
- Love You Forever
- The Family Book
- We’re All Wonders
- You Are My I Love You
St. Patrick's Day
Books about St. Patrick’s day and the color green!
National Deaf History Month
Today, about 11.5 million Americans have some sort of hearing impairment, ranging from difficulty in hearing conversation to total hearing loss. That’s about 3.5 percent of the population. In addition, around 50 million of the population experience some level of tinnitus — a constant ringing in the ears.
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders: Statistics About Hearing
A deaf quarterback is credited with the invention of the modern circular football huddle. Read more on this Wikipedia page started by UA students.
The Deaf and the Origin of Hand Signals in Baseball
Deaf Culture Facts That Might Surprise You
Deaf Fun Facts You Need to Know
April 15, 1817 — The American School for the Deaf, the first public permanent school for Deaf children in the United States, was opened. Located in West Hartford, Connecticut, the school is a nationally renowned leader in providing comprehensive educational programs and services for Deaf and hard-of-hearing students.
April 8, 1864 — Gallaudet University, the first and only higher education institution for Deaf and hard-of-hearing students, was founded. Gallaudet, a private federally chartered research university in Washington, DC, is the only university in the world where students live and learn using American Sign Language and English.
Encyclopedia Britannica: History of the Deaf includes information dating back to the 16th century.
People and Events in Deaf History
Healthy Hearing: Communication Tips for Talking to People with Hearing Loss
Disability Language Style Guide: Deaf
American Sign Language Classes
NAD’s Position on Deaf People in Media
National Association of the Deaf
National Association of the Deaf Resources
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders: Quick Statistics About Hearing
American Sign Language Spoken Here – “Before William Stokoe‘s groundbreaking research, American Sign Language (ASL) was erroneously viewed as a pantomime, a poor substitute for spoken speech. Now ASL is recognized as a language with its own syntax, morphology, and structure.” With National Science Foundation grants Stokoe and two of his Gallaudet colleagues created the Dictionary of American Sign Language on Linguistic Principles in 1965. National Science Foundation
Deaf President Now – In March 1988, Gallaudet University experienced a watershed event that led to the appointment of the 124-year-old university’s first deaf president. Since then, Deaf President Now (DPN) has become synonymous with self-determination and empowerment for Deaf and hard-of-hearing people everywhere.
How ‘Deaf President Now’ Changed America – A brief history of the movement that transformed a university and helped catalyze the Americans With Disabilities Act.
D-PAN.TV – In March 2016, Deaf Professional Arts Network, known as D-Pan, launched a go-to source for American Sign Language-related content. The highlight of the network is DTV News, featuring Deaf anchors who share national news in ASL along with captioning and voiceovers. The network also offers a variety of entertainment and educational content produced by and starring some of the biggest names in the Deaf community.
Deaf View/Image Art, also known as De’Via, is art that examines and expresses the Deaf experience form a cultural, linguistic and intersectional point of view.
Museum of Deaf History, Arts and Culture – Located in Olathe, Kansas, the museum exposes visitors to the historical experiences of being Deaf and the numerous contributions of Deaf people to the world.
“Deaf U” is a Netflix reality series that follows a group of Deaf and heard of hearing students at Gallaudet University, a private university for the education of deaf and hard of hearing in Washington, DC. Released in the fall of 2020, the series is produced by actor, model and deaf activist Nyle DiMarco.
“Audible” is a 2021 short film documenting a Maryland High School for the Deaf high school athlete. It is available on Netflix.
Documentary: “Through Deaf Eyes” — This two-hour documentary explores 200 years of Deaf life in America and presents various perspectives on being deaf. The film is propelled by the stories of people, both eminent and ordinary, and sheds light on events that have shaped Deaf lives. The film includes interviews with prominent members of the Deaf community, including actress Marlee Matlin and Gallaudet University president emeritus I. King Jordan. Interwoven throughout the film are six short documentaries produced by Deaf media artists and filmmakers.
“CODA,” which won an Academy Award for Best Picture and numerous other awards, was the first film to have burned-in subtitles on screen. CODA stands for Child of Deaf Adults. The movie, released in 20201, is about a hearing child in a deaf family who finds herself torn between pursuing her love of music and helping her family’s struggling business. CODA is available on Apple TV+
“Sound and Fury” is a documentary that follows the lives of the Artinians, an extended family with Deaf and hearing members across three generations. Together they confront a technological device that can help the deaf to hear but may also threaten Deaf culture and their bonds with each other. The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature and won the National Board of Review Freedom of Expression Award. The documentary is available on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Sling TV and Roku Channel.
“Deaf Jam: ASL Poets in the Spotlight” showcases students who perform in their first American Sign Language Poetry Performance at Lexington School for the Deaf. The documentary is available on PBS.
“A Look into the Deaf Community” is an 8-minute short that shares information on Deaf culture and American Sign Language. It is available on PBS and part of the Rise and Shine series for children on Arkansas PBS.
“The Power of Silence” is a series on PBS that explores deafness and hearing loss through the many different lenses of education, understanding, compassion and technological advances.
“Why Sign Language was Banned in America” is a 12-minute short on PBS as part of the Otherwords series.
View a more extensive list of movies about the Deaf community, including deaf narrative movies and ASL movies and documentaries.
Films to celebrate national Deaf History Month
Sandra Mae Frank — actress and producer, “New Amsterdam”
Marlee Matlin — author, activist, Academy Award-winning actress for “Children of a Lesser God” in 1986, and starred in “Coda” in 2021
Nyle DiMarco – model, actor, activist, first deaf winner on ”America’s Next Top Model” and “Dancing with the Stars,” an executive producer of “Audible,” and president of the Nyle DiMarco Foundation
Heather Whitestone – Alabama native and the first deaf woman to be crowned Miss America
Juliette Gordon Low – founder of the Girl Scouts
Derrick Coleman – first deaf offensive player in the NFL and played for the Seattle Seahawks, including in the XVLIII Super Bowl
Lou Ferrigno — actor, bodybuilder, and personal trainer, known for his role as the Incredible Hulk
ASDC gathers and compiles resources from various sites, including our national allied partner organizations. This is not an exclusive or inclusive list. Please feel free to share resources we may have missed. We’re continually updating as we go.
- Beast
- Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin
- Halloween Mice
- Heckedy Peg
- How I Became a Pirate
- I Need My Monster
- It’s Pumpkin Day, Mouse
- Little Blue Truck’s Halloween
- Math Curse
- My First Halloween
- Night Out
- Stellaluna
- Ten Timid Ghosts
- The Legend of Spookly the Square Pumpkin
- The Monster at the End of This Book
- This is NOT a Pumpkin
- Trick or Treat, Little Pumpkin
- Where the Wild Things Are
December Holidays
- A Creature Was Stirring
- A Chanukah ASL ABC Story
- Elf on the Shelf
- Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah
- Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas
- Imogene’s Antlers
- Kwanzaa
- Merry Christmas, Splat
- My First Chanukah
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
- Snowmen at Night
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
- The Mitten
- The Night Before Christmas
- The Night Before Christmas
- The Polar Express
- The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa
- The Snowy Day
- The Snowy Day (Español)
- Winter Solstice and the Yule Log